Product Details
Bearing Enhanced Metal Turret Ring for 1/16 tanks
Bearing Enhanced Metal Turret Ring for 1/16 tanks
Bearing Enhanced Metal Turret Ring for 1/16 tanks

Bearing Enhanced Metal Turret Ring for 1/16 tanks

Product Code: CS-MTR
Brand: CS...
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 22
weight: 230.0g
$11.50 No tax
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Cast Aluminum turret ring with pre-build bearing!

As shown on the pics, both Large and small metal turret ring pre-installed with ball bearing. it help to reduce friction between the tank upper hull and the turret, it give the tank turret smooth and better rotation!

Two size only same as stock HL stock plastic turret ring.
Will fit Taigen or Torro tanks as well. Choose the size to purchase. thanks!

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Turret Upgrade
Very fast delivery to the UK. Fitted the replacement, My Challenger now has a smooth 360 Traverse. Well engineered part with 5 very smooth bearings.
Graham Moore
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